Environment / A word from Mr Percival for World Environment Day


Celebrating WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY, this image of Mr Percival on the Daintree captures the urgency of our need to act decisively to protect the interdependence of humanity, wildlife and the environment.

Today we take time to appreciate the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the climate that makes our environment habitable for us all.
Explore our unique backyard, raise your voice, share your thoughts….

David White from Solar Whisper Daintree River Crocodile and Wildlife Cruises:

❝We have an important message today on the Days of the Daintree.
We, as caretakers have an obligation to protect this planets impossible beauty and fragility and to stop the degradation of our planet’s blue heart.

“It is, surely, our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth.”


Mr Percival (the pelican) himself provides an image and no clearer a message could have been said, “OUR OCEANS FOREVER“.

For we humans are simply caretakers here, we do not own this planet, we share it, and we have a duty to care for it. It is indeed all of OURS including the other animals that call this planet home.

So pick up your rubbish and think about packaging when you buy. Sometimes in wildlife photography you get lucky, often it’s a matter of timing, or just an unusual opportunity, but in this shot, it was both of those and more. It was ironic. I took a number of photos and video of this bird playing with our rubbish. And it wasn’t until I saw the photo that I read the words, on the bottom of this tin it reads “Our Oceans Forever “.

How ironic should the tin read that and find itself in the ocean.

You will be glad to know that the pelican eventually dropped the tin and didn’t swallow it. ❞

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