Local News Bites / Wednesday 24 June 2020

douglas news bites

Tourism Minister, Kate Jones yesterday inspected the first stage of construction of the Mowbray Bridge as part of the Wangetti Trail. Ms Jones also announced the release of a $9 million tender for the next stage of work on this fantastic project which is forecast to generate over $300 million in revenue for the local economy and create up to 150 jobs.

Twenty-seven year old Port Douglas chef Daniel Rooney lost his appeal against a 12 year jail sentence in the Court of Appeal yesterday in relation to a series of violent offences committed in 2017 after he abducted a Port Douglas woman and held for 16 hours before driving her off the Kuranda Range.

TAFE Queensland will receive a $100,000 boost enabling them to bid for a contract that would create new jobs within the Far North maritime training industry.

A Mareeba man is one of two people charged over their alleged involvement in an international people smuggling venture.

A 44 year old Port Douglas man has been charged with 52 offences relating to possession, trafficking and supplying a dangerous drug and will appear in the Mossman Magistrates Court on 30 September.

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